La danse du Souffle
I dance as I breathe.
Movement and transformation are an integral part of Marie Close's artistic and human practice. She loves to share her passion for the expressive force of the moving body.
Like a journey, she guides people to meet their inner self and to reveal their essence through composition and performance.
Do not we say that travel is a mirrored meeting with oneself?
Art, by its refreshing power, supports the expression of what is alive. Art supports the deployment of the invisible in terrestrial matter.
The workshops are based on the practice of improvisation inspired by the Life / Art Process®, including somatic research and a practice of performance based on the fundamentals of contemporary dance and meditation.
Physical practice supports the exploration of writing, drawing and voice, which gives strength to reveal personal expressive qualities.
We will explore in studio and in nature: nature inspires listening, ritual, movement.
Participants will be invited to:
Connect with what is urgent to put in voice and body in a caring environment, breathe, write metaphors with the body in motion.
➤ Who is this addressed to?
Open to amateurs without prerequisites, dancers, artists, who has the desire to explore, create, move and embrace life and art.
☎ 349 2826958 - 340 7823086
Casa Laboratorio Ca 'Colmello - Via gesso 21 - Sassoleone (Bologna)
To keep up to date with my CREATIONS & WORKSHOPS
Donation : ASBL Eau-delà danse
BE23 0017 1397 0091